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National Lockdown update from HMCTS – 06.01.21

Since HMCTS message on Monday night, HMCTS have consulted again with Public Health colleagues to seek assurance that the arrangements they have in place to mitigate against the spread of Covid-19 continue to meet the appropriate standard.

These Public Health experts have endorsed the following statement from HMCTS in relation to the Covid-Secure arrangements in place at our courts and tribunals buildings:

“Public Health experts confirm court and tribunal COVID-secure arrangements appropriate

Public Health experts consider advice from SAGE when making their recommendations on COVID-secure arrangements for workplaces.

Our policies on mitigations, as approved by Public Health experts, are sufficient for dealing with the challenges provided by the new variant of the virus.

Current available evidence on the new variant shows it is spreading faster than other SARS-CoV-2 strains currently circulating in the UK. Therefore, the existing mitigation measures (social distancing, hand hygiene, ventilation and face covering usage) must be rigorously adhered to and everyone must unfailingly follow the hand-space-face guidance.

We continue to act on the standards, advice and guidance available for workplaces, and where those change we will update our policies to meet any new guidelines.”

This statement is also published on GOV.UK:
