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CBA Chairmans’s Message – 23.12.14

CBA Chairman’s Message:
Tony Cross QC 

Tuesday 23 December 2014


E: [email protected]
T: 07860 692693 

Not a Xmas Gift
It has been an eventful three months.  In September I set out my aims and objectives for my term of office.  You will remember that at that time I warned that one of the issues, concerning electronic evidence, was fast becoming a policy issue for the CBA, and that we would not stand idly by whilst our members were denied just reward for their endeavours.
Since then we have been in negotiations with the LAA to attempt to resolve this issue.  You will be aware from previous messages that Mark Fenhalls QC and Alexandra Healy QC (Chair of the Bar Council’s Remuneration Committee) have led the discussions with the MoJ and LAA officials about these issues.
In our meetings with senior officials, Mark and I have stressed how strongly the Bar feels about these matters and how important it is that advocates and litigators are paid what they are entitled to. I know the Bar Council and Circuit Leaders have done the same.
The negotiations have been constructive and have reached the stage where the LAA is going to pay a significant number of claims in full.  This will apply to both advocates and litigators. This process will begin immediately. I am pleased that our persistent and forceful lobbying has been productive.
Discussions will continue in the New Year on all remaining issues. I shall also be arranging for Circuit representatives to visit the LAA in Nottingham. Both Mark or Ra will be able to assist if you have any questions. Their email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected].
Thank you to those who voted in the recent elections and congratulations to those elected and my great thanks to those who had the courage and commitment to put their names forward but who were not elected I look forward to seeing:
Kerim Fuad QC, Mary Aspinall-Miles, Joanne Cecil, Rebecca Herbert and Stephen Knight at the first meeting of the Executive.
2014 was a momentous year for the CBA.  May I thank all of you who contributed.  I do want to thank our retiring Treasurer Thomas Payne.  He is all that is good about the Bar.  Thank you Tom for your hard work and wise counsel – how I wish that there were more like you.
Tom has been replaced by Chris Henley.  Chris has already demonstrated commitment and passion for the cause.  I look forward to working with him for the remainder of my term of office.
The future
Who knows what 2015 will bring?  I do not intend to predict the future, nor set out my wishes for the New Year.  I do know though that whatever happens in 2015 I can rely upon the membership of the CBA to support its Chairman, Officers and Executive.
My next Message will be on Monday 12 January 2015.
Best wishes for the season.
PS – I also expect at least 7 points- 3 from Liverpool on Boxing Day, one at Maine Road on the 28th and 3 at St James’ Park on New Year’s day.

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