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Message to Members about Action in w/c 11.07.22

Dear Colleague,

As you may have heard, the Under Secretary of Justice, James Cartlidge MP, tendered his resignation today. The government is plainly in disarray and in a highly vulnerable state.

The Secretary of State for Justice, Dominic Raab MP, remains in place and, at the time of writing, there is no reason to believe he will not continue in that position for some months ahead.

The CBA leadership is scheduled to have a ministerial meeting at the MoJ on Tuesday 12th July. The MoJ has confirmed that the planned meeting remains in the diary.

We therefore continue to maintain pressure on Government to engage in negotiations to secure a swift and fair settlement. That pressure comes from the strike action mandated by 81% of 2055 members of the CBA in our ballot.

There are two weeks left before Parliament rises for the summer recess. It is therefore critical that we continue with our action.

There is no legal excuse for not applying an initial 15% increase to the nearly 60k cases in the backlog. We are pursuing that option with urgency, supported by a powerful legal team that we have instructed.

We have always maintained that our action would continue unless and until there is substantial movement from Government. That is what we promised you.

Should there be such movement, it is our members who will decide whether our action can be suspended pursuant to a further ballot.

We remain more united than ever before. The momentum we have created together must be maintained. We are strong because we have stood together as one.

Therefore, the next days of action will be Monday 11th July, Tuesday 12th July, Wednesday 13th July and Thursday 14th July.  

Monday 11th July – Day of Action 

Colleagues will begin assembling outside the following court centres from around 9am:

  • Supreme Court, London
  • Birmingham Crown Court
  • Preston Crown Court
  • Plymouth Crown Court

* There will be a minibus leaving from outside Dean Court Chambers in Manchester, for Preston, at 8am and returning at lunchtime. The minibus is kindly funded by contributions from the Northern Circuit and Northern Circuit silks. It is free for all under 5 years call. If you would like to book a place please email: [email protected]

If you would like to travel to any of the court centres at which colleagues are assembling, please consider whether replicating the arrangements made by the Northern Circuit may assist you, or members of your circuit, to do so.

A designated CBA coordinator may make a statement from the court steps at approximately 10am. Exact timings and arrangements will vary according to press attendance and the preferences of the local bar, so please arrive in good time.

You may wish to robe but are not required to do so. The important thing is that you are there, in solidarity with your colleagues.

If you are a prosecutor, or otherwise not participating in the day of action, please do not feel anxious about attending at court. If you are able to assemble with your colleagues before your scheduled hearing, or during any court breaks to show solidarity, that would be very much appreciated.

Tuesday 12th July – Day of Action 

A reminder that there will be a national zoom meeting for all CBA members at 10.30am. The link will be sent to you by email on Monday 11th July.

Attendance is strictly limited to CBA members, so once in receipt of the link, please do not circulate it or make it public.

Key Message – Diversity 

We encourage all circuits, when engaging with their local media this week, to focus on the fact the most junior members of the Criminal Bar are also the most diverse members of our profession. Continuing to recruit a diverse and representative intake of pupils and retain them through the early years of practice, is key to securing diversity at all levels of seniority in the future, including at the highest levels of judicial office.

Our Unity is our Strength

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