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On My Final Day, a Shout Out to Wales and Chester

In my final Monday Message, I thanked our excellent Circuit Leaders.

However, an error meant that there was an omission of the name of Caroline Rees KC, Leader of the Wales and Chester Circuit. The online message was corrected the same day.

I write to express my apologies to her.

There also is a sprinkling of irony, as Caroline is the one of the Circuit Leaders that I had met most over the last couple of months, such was her sterling work for her Circuit.

Whilst I am here and it is my last day, a little indulgence about Wales and Chester. I will miss working on issues from these courts.

The barristers I met from this Circuit provided the information needed to add weight to my evidence armoury. The Judges generously gave their time.

I focused on Mold Crown Court in my meeting with the CEO of HMCTS in a bid for catering. Although the follow up message was that they could not attract the caterers,  a negative is not a final answer.

Midnight approaches.

Thank you to Caroline Rees KC, Leader of the Wales and Chester Circuit.

With all my best wishes to Wales and Chester,




Kirsty Brimelow KC
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